This is the course webpage for TTIC 31210: Advanced Natural Language Processing.

Quarter: Spring 2017
Time: Monday/Wednesday 1:30-2:50 pm
Location: Room 530 (fifth floor), TTIC

Instructor: Kevin Gimpel
Instructor Office Hours: Room 531, by appointment
Teaching Assistant: John Wieting
Teaching Assistant Office Hours: by appointment

Prerequisites: TTIC 31190 or permission of the instructor.

Collaboration Policy
Lateness Policy


The project proposal is due May 10. Details are provided here.
The final project report is due June 9. Details are provided here.

Collaboration Policy
You are welcome to discuss assignments with others in the course, but solutions and code must be written individually. The project may be done individually or in a group of two. Each member of the group will receive the same grade for the project.

Lateness Policy
We want you to do the assignments, even if that means turning them in late (whether partially or fully). There will likely be a penalty assessed if assignments are turned in after the due dates, but we will continue to accept late submissions of assignments until the end of the quarter.