Geometric Methods in Computer Science

Instructor: Yury Makarychev
Course: TTIC 31100 and CMSC 39010-1
Requirements: There will be 3 or 4 homework assignments. There will be no exams.
Description: The course covers fundamental concepts in high-dimensional and metric geometry and their applications in computer science. Topics covered include convexity, metric embeddings, dimensionality reduction techniques, Bourgain's theorem, Kirszbraun's theorem, Banach-Mazur distance, Grothendieck's inequality, stochastic decompositions of metric spaces, approximation algorithms for various graph partitioning, coloring, constraint satisfaction problems. 
W. Kandinsky: Mild Tension, 1923
W. Kandinsky: Mild Tension, 1923

Lecture Notes

Tentative Syllabus