a hill by
the Mississippi 1
Chippewas 2
camped two generations ago 0
a girl 3
stood in relief against the cornflower blue of Northern sky .
She 3
no Indians 4
now ;
she 3
flour-mills 5
and the blinking windows of
skyscrapers in
Minneapolis 7
St. Paul 8
Nor was
she 3
thinking of
squaws 9
and portages , and
the Yankee fur-traders whose shadows were all about
her 3
She 3
was meditating upon walnut fudge , the plays of
Brieux 11
, the reasons why
heels 12
run over , and the fact that
the chemistry instructor 13
had stared at the new coiffure which concealed
her 3
ears .
A breeze which had crossed a thousand miles of
wheat-lands 14
her 3
taffeta skirt in a line so graceful , so full of animation and moving beauty , that the heart of
a chance watcher 15
the lower road 16
tightened to wistfulness over
her 3
quality of suspended freedom .
She 3
her 3
arms ,
she 3
leaned back against the wind ,
her 3
skirt dipped and flared , a lock blew wild .
A girl on
a hilltop 0
; credulous , plastic , young ; drinking the air as
she 3
longed to drink life .
The eternal aching comedy of expectant youth .
It is
Carol Milford 3
, fleeing for an hour from
Blodgett College 17
The days of pioneering , of
lassies in sunbonnets 18
, and bears killed with axes in piney clearings , are deader now than
Camelot 19
; and
a rebellious girl 3
is the spirit of that bewildered empire called
the American Middlewest 20
Blodgett College 17
is on the edge of
Minneapolis 7
It is a bulwark of sound religion .
It is still combating the recent heresies of
Voltaire 21
Darwin 22
, and
Robert Ingersoll 23
Pious families 28
Minnesota 24
Iowa 25
Wisconsin 26
the Dakotas 27
their 28
children 29
thither 17
, and
Blodgett 17
them 29
from the wickedness of
the universities 30
But it secretes
friendly girls 31
young men who sing 32
, and
one lady instructress who really likes
Milton 34
Carlyle 35
So the four years which
Carol 3
spent at
Blodgett 17
were not altogether wasted .
The smallness of
the school 17
, the fewness of
rivals 36
, permitted
her 3
to experiment with
her 3
perilous versatility .
She 3
played tennis , gave chafing-dish parties , took a graduate seminar in the drama , went “ twosing , ” and joined half a dozen societies for the practise of the arts or the tense stalking of a thing called General Culture .
her 3
class there were
two or three prettier girls 37
, but
none more eager 135
She 3
was noticeable equally in the classroom grind and at dances , though out of
the three hundred students of
Blodgett 17
, scores recited more accurately and dozens Bostoned more smoothly .
Every cell of
her 3
body was alive -- thin wrists , quince-blossom skin , ingenue eyes , black hair .
The other girls in
her 3
dormitory 40
marveled at the slightness of
her 3
body when
they 39
her 3
in sheer negligee , or darting out wet from a shower-bath .
She 3
seemed then but half as large as
they 39
had supposed ;
a fragile child who must be cloaked with understanding kindness 3
“ Psychic , ”
the girls 39
whispered , and “ spiritual . ”
Yet so radioactive were
her 3
nerves , so adventurous
her 3
trust in rather vaguely conceived sweetness and light , that
she 3
was more energetic than any of
the hulking young women who , with calves bulging in heavy-ribbed woolen stockings beneath decorous blue serge bloomers , thuddingly galloped across the floor of
the “ gym ” 42
in practise for
the Blodgett Ladies ’ Basket-Ball Team 43
Even when
she 3
was tired
her 3
dark eyes were observant .
She 3
did not yet know the immense ability of
the world 44
to be casually cruel and proudly dull , but if
she 3
should ever learn those dismaying powers ,
her 3
eyes would never become sullen or heavy or rheumily amorous .
For all
her 3
enthusiasms , for all the fondness and the “ crushes ” which
she 3
inspired ,
Carol 3
’s acquaintances 45
were shy of
her 3
she 3
was most ardently singing hymns or planning deviltry
she 3
yet seemed gently aloof and critical .
She 3
was credulous , perhaps ;
a born hero-worshipper 3
; yet
she 3
did question and examine unceasingly .
she 3
might become
she 3
would never be static .
Her 3
versatility ensnared
her 3
By turns
she 3
hoped to discover that
she 3
had an unusual voice , a talent for the piano , the ability to act , to write , to manage organizations .
she 3
was disappointed , but always
she 3
effervesced anew -- over
the Student Volunteers , who intended to become
missionaries 47
, over painting scenery for the dramatic club , over soliciting advertisements for the college magazine .
She 3
was on the peak that Sunday afternoon when
she 3
played in
chapel 48
Out of the dusk
her 3
violin took up the organ theme , and the candle-light revealed
her 3
in a straight golden frock ,
her 3
arm arched to the bow ,
her 3
lips serious .
Every man 49
fell in love then with religion and
Carol 3
Throughout Senior year
she 3
anxiously related all
her 3
experiments and partial successes to a career .
Daily , on the
library 50
steps or in
the hall of
the Main Building 52
the co-eds 53
talked of “ What shall
we 53
do when
we 53
college 54
? ”
the girls who knew that
they 55
were going to be married 55
pretended to be considering important business positions ; even
they 56
who knew that
they 56
would have to work hinted about
fabulous suitors 57
As for
Carol 3
she 3
an orphan 136
her 3
only near relative 58
a vanilla-flavored sister married to
an optician in
St. Paul 8
She 3
had used most of the money from
her 3
father 60
’s estate .
She 3
was not in love -- that is , not often , nor ever long at a time .
She 3
would earn
her 3
living .
But how
she 3
was to earn it , how
she 3
was to conquer
the world 61
-- almost entirely for
the world 61
’s own good --
she 3
did not see .
Most of
the girls who were not betrothed 63
meant to be
teachers 64
Of these there were two sorts :
careless young women who admitted that
they 65
intended to leave the “
beastly classroom 66
grubby children 67
” the minute
they 65
had a chance to marry 65
; and
studious , sometimes bulbous-browed and pop-eyed maidens who at class prayer-meetings requested
God 69
to “ guide
their 68
feet along the paths of greatest usefulness . ” 68

Neither sort tempted
Carol 3
The former seemed insincere ( a favorite word of hers at this era ) .
The earnest virgins 68
were ,
she 3
fancied , as likely to do harm as to do good by
their 68
faith in the value of parsing
Caesar 70
At various times during Senior year
Carol 3
finally decided upon studying law , writing motion-picture scenarios , professional nursing , and marrying
an unidentified hero 71
she 3
found a hobby in sociology .
The sociology instructor 72
was new .
He 72
was married , and therefore taboo , but
he 72
had come from
Boston 73
he 72
had lived among
poets 74
socialists 75
Jews 76
millionaire uplifters 77
the University Settlement in
New York 79
, and
he 72
had a beautiful white strong neck .
He 72
led a giggling class through
the prisons 80
the charity bureaus 81
the employment agencies of
Minneapolis 7
St. Paul 8
Trailing at the end of the line
Carol 3
was indignant at the prodding curiosity of
the others 83
their 83
manner of staring at
the poor 84
as at
a Zoo 85
She 3
herself 3
a great liberator 86
She 3
her 3
hand to
her 3
mouth ,
her 3
forefinger and thumb quite painfully pinching
her 3
lower lip , and frowned , and enjoyed being aloof .
A classmate named
Stewart Snyder 87
a competent bulky young man in a gray flannel shirt , a rusty black bow tie , and the green-and-purple class cap 138
, grumbled to
her 3
they 88
walked behind the others in the muck of
the South St. Paul stockyards 89
, “
These college chumps 90
me 87
tired .
They 90
’re so top-lofty .
They 90
ought to of worked on
the farm 91
, the way
I 87
have .
These workmen 92
put it all over
them 90
. ”
I 3
just love
common workmen 93
, ” glowed
Carol 3
“ Only
you 3
do n’t want to forget that
common workmen 93
do n’t think
they 93
’re common ! ”
You 87
’re right !
I 3
apologize ! ”
Carol 3
’s brows lifted in the astonishment of emotion , in a glory of abasement .
Her 3
eyes mothered
the world 94
Stewart Snyder 87
peered at
her 3
He 87
his 87
large red fists into
his 87
pockets ,
he 87
jerked them out ,
he 87
resolutely got rid of them by clenching
his 87
hands behind
him 87
, and
he 87
stammered : “
I 87
know .
You 3
_ get _
people 95
Most of
these darn co-eds 97
---- Say ,
Carol 3
you 3
could do a lot for
people 98
. ”
“ Oh -- oh well --
you 3
know -- sympathy and everything -- if
you 3
were -- say
you 3
a lawyer 100
’s wife 99
You 3
’d understand
his 100
clients 101
I 87
’m going to be
a lawyer 102
I 87
I 87
fall down in sympathy sometimes .
I 87
get so dog-gone impatient with
people 103
that ca n’t stand the gaff .
You 3
’d be good for
a fellow that was too serious 104
him 104
more -- more --
know -- sympathetic ! ”
His 87
slightly pouting lips ,
his 87
mastiff eyes , were begging
her 3
to beg
him 87
to go on .
She 3
fled from the steam-roller of
his 87
sentiment .
She 3
cried , “ Oh , see those poor sheep -- millions and millions of
them 105
. ”
She 3
darted on .
Stewart 87
was not interesting .
He 87
had n’t a shapely white neck , and
he 87
had never lived among
celebrated reformers 106
She 3
wanted , just now , to have
a cell in
a settlement-house 108
, like
a nun 109
without the bother of a black robe , and be kind , and read
Bernard Shaw 110
, and enormously improve
a horde of grateful poor 111
The supplementary reading in sociology led
her 3
to a book on village-improvement -- tree-planting ,
town 112
pageants ,
girls 113
’ clubs 114
It had pictures of greens and garden-walls in
France 115
New England 116
Pennsylvania 117
She 3
had picked it up carelessly , with a slight yawn which
she 3
patted down with
her 3
finger-tips as delicately as a cat .
She 3
dipped into the book , lounging on
her 3
window-seat , with
her 3
slim , lisle-stockinged legs crossed , and
her 3
knees up under
her 3
chin .
She 3
stroked a satin pillow while
she 3
read .
her 3
was the clothy exuberance of
Blodgett College 17
room 118
: cretonne-covered window-seat , photographs of
girls 119
, a carbon print of
the Coliseum 120
, a chafing-dish , and a dozen pillows embroidered or beaded or pyrographed .
Shockingly out of place was a miniature of the Dancing Bacchante .
It was the only trace of
Carol 3
the room 118
She 3
had inherited the rest from generations of
girl students 121
It was as a part of all this commonplaceness that
she 3
regarded the treatise on village-improvement .
she 3
suddenly stopped fidgeting .
She 3
strode into the book .
She 3
had fled half-way through it before the three o’clock bell called
her 3
to the class in English history .
She 3
sighed , “ That ’s what
I 3
’ll do after college !
I 3
’ll get
my 3
hands on
one of these prairie towns 122
and make
it 122
beautiful .
Be an inspiration .
I 3
I 3
’d better become
a teacher 123
then , but --
I 3
wo n’t be that kind of
a teacher 124
I 3
wo n’t drone .
Why should
they 125
all the garden suburbs on
Long Island 127
Nobody 128
has done anything with
the ugly towns
here 130
the Northwest 130
except hold revivals and build
libraries 131
to contain the Elsie books .
I 3
’ll make ‘ em put in
a village green 132
, and
darling cottages 133
, and
a quaint Main Street 134
! ”