" Wake up there ,
youngster 0
, " said
a rough voice 2
Ragged Dick 0
his 0
eyes slowly , and stared stupidly in the face of
the speaker 2
, but did not offer to get up .
" Wake up ,
you 0
young vagabond 0
! "
the man 2
a little impatiently ; "
I 2
you 0
'd lay there all day , if
I 2
had n't called
you 0
. "
" What time is it ? "
Dick 0
" Seven o'clock . "
" Seven o'clock !
I 0
oughter 've been up an hour ago .
I 0
know what 't was made
me 0
so precious sleepy .
I 0
went to
the Old Bowery 3
last night , and did n't turn in till past twelve . "
You 2
went to
the Old Bowery 3
Where 'd
you 0
your 0
money ? "
the man 2
, who was
a porter in the employ of
a firm doing business on
Spruce Street 4
" Made it by shines , in course .
My 0
guardian 6
do n't allow
me 0
no money for
theatres 7
, so
I 0
have to earn it . "
Some boys 8
get it easier than that , " said
the porter 2
significantly .
You 9
do n't catch
me 0
stealin ' , if that 's what
you 2
mean , " said
Dick 0
" Do n't
you 0
ever steal , then ? "
" No , and
I 0
would n't .
Lots of boys 10
does it , but
I 0
would n't . "
" Well ,
I 2
'm glad to hear
you 0
say that .
I 2
believe there 's some good in
you 0
Dick 0
, after all . "
" Oh ,
I 0
a rough customer 64
! "
Dick 0
" But
I 0
would n't steal .
It 's mean . "
I 2
'm glad
you 0
think so ,
Dick 0
, " and
the rough voice 2
sounded gentler than at first .
" Have
you 0
got any money to buy
your 0
breakfast ? "
" No , but
I 0
'll soon get some . "
While this conversation had been going on ,
Dick 0
had got up .
His 0
bedchamber 11
had been a wooden box half full of straw , on which
the young boot-black 0
had reposed
his 0
weary limbs , and slept as soundly as if it had been a bed of down .
He 0
dumped down into the straw without taking the trouble of undressing .
Getting up too was an equally short process .
He 0
jumped out of the box , shook
himself 0
, picked out one or two straws that had found their way into rents in
his 0
clothes , and , drawing a well-worn cap over
his 0
uncombed locks ,
he 0
was all ready for the business of the day .
Dick 0
's appearance as
he 0
stood beside the box was rather peculiar .
His 0
pants were torn in several places , and had apparently belonged in the first instance to
a boy two sizes larger than
himself 0
He 0
wore a vest , all the buttons of which were gone except two , out of which peeped a shirt which looked as if it had been worn a month .
To complete
his 0
he 0
wore a coat too long for
him 0
, dating back , if one might judge from its general appearance , to a remote antiquity .
Washing the face and hands is usually considered proper in commencing the day , but
Dick 0
was above such refinement .
He 0
had no particular dislike to dirt , and did not think it necessary to remove several dark streaks on
his 0
face and hands .
But in spite of
his 0
dirt and rags there was something about
Dick 0
that was attractive .
It was easy to see that if
he 0
had been clean and well dressed
he 0
would have been decidedly good-looking .
Some of
his 0
companions 13
were sly , and
their 13
faces inspired distrust ; but
Dick 0
had a frank , straight-forward manner that made
him 0
a favorite .
Dick 0
's business hours had commenced .
He 0
no office 62
to open .
His 0
little blacking-box was ready for use , and
he 0
looked sharply in the faces of
all who passed 14
, addressing each with , " Shine yer boots ,
sir 15
? "
" How much ? "
a gentleman on
his 16
way to
his 16
office 17
" Ten cents , " said
Dick 0
, dropping
his 0
box , and sinking upon
his 0
knees on
the sidewalk 18
, flourishing
his 0
brush with the air of
one skilled in
his 0
profession 19
" Ten cents !
Is n't that a little steep ? "
" Well ,
you 16
know ' taint all clear profit , " said
Dick , who had already set to work 0
" There 's the _ blacking _ costs something , and
I 0
have to get a new brush pretty often . "
" And
you 16
have a large rent too , " said
the gentleman 16
quizzically , with a glance at a large hole in
Dick 0
's coat .
" Yes ,
sir 16
, " said
Dick 0
, always ready to joke ; "
I 0
have to pay such a big rent for
my 0
manshun up on
Fifth Avenoo 21
, that
I 0
ca n't afford to take less than ten cents a shine .
I 0
'll give
you 16
a bully shine ,
sir 16
. "
" Be quick about it , for
I 16
am in a hurry .
your 0
house 20
is on
Fifth Avenue 21
, is
it 20
? "
It 20
is n't anywhere else , " said
Dick 0
, and
Dick 0
spoke the truth there .
" What
tailor 22
you 0
patronize ? "
the gentleman 16
, surveying
Dick 0
's attire .
" Would
you 16
like to go to the same one ? "
Dick 0
, shrewdly .
" Well , no ; it strikes
me 16
he 22
did n't give
you 0
a very good fit . "
" This coat once belonged to
General Washington 23
, " said
Dick 0
, comically .
He 23
wore it all through the Revolution , and it got torn some , 'cause
he 23
fit so hard .
he 23
he 23
his 23
widder 24
to give it to
some smart young feller that had n't got none of
his 25
own 25
; so
she 24
gave it to
me 0
But if
you 16
'd like it ,
sir 16
, to remember
General Washington 23
by ,
I 0
'll let
you 16
have it reasonable . "
" Thank
you 0
, but
I 16
would n't want to deprive
you 0
of it .
And did
your 0
pants come from
General Washington 23
too ? "
" No , they was a gift from
Lewis Napoleon 26
Lewis 26
had outgrown 'em and sent 'em to
me 0
, --
he 26
's bigger than
me 0
, and that 's why they do n't fit . "
" It seems
you 0
distinguished friends 27
Now ,
my 16
lad 0
I 16
you 0
would like
your 0
money . "
I 0
should n't have any objection , " said
Dick 0
I 16
believe , " said
the gentleman 16
, examining
his 16
pocket-book , "
I 16
have n't got anything short of twenty-five cents .
you 0
got any change ? "
" Not a cent , " said
Dick 0
" All
my 0
money 's invested in
the Erie Railroad 28
. "
" That 's unfortunate . "
" Shall
I 0
get the money changed ,
sir 16
? "
I 16
ca n't wait ;
I 16
've got to meet an appointment immediately .
I 16
'll hand
you 0
twenty-five cents , and
you 0
can leave the change at
my 16
office 17
any time during the day . "
" All right ,
sir 16
Where is
it 17
? "
No. 125 Fulton Street 29
you 0
remember ? "
" Yes ,
sir 16
What name ? "
Greyson 16
, --
office on second floor 17
. "
" All right ,
sir 16
I 0
'll bring it . "
I 16
wonder whether
the little scamp 0
will prove honest , " said
Mr. Greyson 16
himself 16
, as
he 16
walked away .
" If
he 0
does ,
I 16
'll give
him 0
my 16
custom regularly .
he 0
do n't as is most likely ,
I 16
sha n't mind the loss of fifteen cents . "
Mr. Greyson 16
did n't understand
Dick 0
Our 30
ragged hero 0
was n't
a model boy 60
in all respects .
I 31
am afraid
he 0
swore sometimes , and now and then
he 0
played tricks upon
unsophisticated boys from
the country 33
, or gave a wrong direction to
honest old gentlemen unused to
the city 35
A clergyman in search of
the Cooper Institute 37
he 0
once directed to
the Tombs Prison 38
, and , following
him 36
unobserved , was highly delighted when
the unsuspicious stranger 36
walked up the front steps of
the great stone building on
Centre Street 39
, and tried to obtain admission .
I 0
he 36
would n't want to stay long if
he 36
did get in , " thought
Ragged Dick 0
, hitching up
his 0
pants .
" Leastways
I 0
should n't .
They 40
're so precious glad to see
you 41
they 40
wo n't let
you 41
go , but board
you 41
gratooitous , and never send in no bills . "
Another of
Dick 0
's faults was
his 0
extravagance .
Being always wide-awake and ready for business ,
he 0
earned enough to have supported
him 0
comfortably and respectably .
There were not
a few young clerks 42
who employed
Dick 0
from time to time in
his 0
professional capacity , who scarcely earned as much as
he 0
, greatly as
their 42
style and dress exceeded
his 0
Dick 0
was careless of
his 0
earnings .
Where they went
he 0
could hardly have told
himself 0
However much
he 0
managed to earn during the day , all was generally spent before morning .
He 0
was fond of going to
the Old Bowery Theatre 43
, and to
Tony Pastor 45
's 44
, and if
he 0
had any money left afterwards ,
he 0
would invite
some of
his 0
friends 46
in somewhere to have an oyster-stew ; so it seldom happened that
he 0
commenced the day with a penny .
I 31
am sorry to add that
Dick 0
had formed the habit of smoking .
This cost
him 0
considerable , for
Dick 0
was rather fastidious about
his 0
cigars , and would n't smoke the cheapest .
Besides , having a liberal nature ,
he 0
was generally ready to treat
his 0
companions 47
But of course the expense was the smallest objection .
No boy of fourteen 48
can smoke without being affected injuriously .
Men 49
are frequently injured by smoking , and
boys 50
always .
large numbers of the newsboys and boot-blacks 51
form the habit .
Exposed to the cold and wet
they 51
find that it warms
them 51
up , and the self-indulgence grows upon
them 51
It is not uncommon to see
a little boy 52
, too young to be out of
his 52
mother 53
's sight , smoking with all the apparent satisfaction of
a veteran smoker 54
There was another way in which
Dick 0
sometimes lost money .
There was
a noted gambling-house on
Baxter Street 56
, which in the evening was sometimes crowded with
these juvenile gamesters 57
, who staked
their 57
hard earnings , generally losing of course , and refreshing
themselves 57
from time to time with a vile mixture of liquor at two cents a glass .
Dick 0
strayed in
here 55
, and played with
the rest 57
I 31
have mentioned
Dick 0
's faults and defects , because
I 31
want it understood , to begin with , that
I 31
do n't consider
him 0
a model boy 61
But there were some good points about
him 0
nevertheless .
He 0
was above doing anything mean or dishonorable .
He 0
would not steal , or cheat , or impose upon
younger boys 58
, but was frank and straight-forward , manly and self-reliant .
His 0
nature was a noble one , and had saved
him 0
from all mean faults .
I 31
my 31
young readers 59
will like
him 0
I 31
do , without being blind to
his 0
faults .
Perhaps , although
he 0
was only
a boot-black 65
they 59
may find something in
him 0
to imitate .