The Wild Land 0
I One January day , thirty years ago ,
the little town of Hanover 1
, anchored on
a windy
Nebraska 3
tableland 2
, was trying not to be blown away .
A mist of fine snowflakes was curling and eddying about the cluster of
low drab buildings 4
huddled on
the gray prairie 5
, under a gray sky .
The dwelling-houses 6
were set about haphazard on the tough prairie sod ;
some of
them 6
looked as if
they 7
had been moved in overnight , and
others 8
as if
they 8
were straying off by
themselves 8
, headed straight for
the open plain 9
None of
them 6
had any appearance of permanence , and the howling wind blew under
them 6
as well as over
them 6
The main street 10
a deeply rutted road , now frozen hard , which ran from
the squat red railway station 11
the grain “ elevator ” 12
the north end of
the town 1
the lumber yard 14
the horse pond 15
the south end 16
On either side of
this road 10
straggled two uneven rows of
wooden buildings 17
the general merchandise stores 18
the two banks 19
the drug store 20
the feed store 21
the saloon 22
the post-office 23
The board sidewalks 24
were gray with trampled snow , but at two o'clock in the afternoon
the shopkeepers 25
, having come back from dinner , were keeping well behind
their 25
frosty windows .
The children 26
were all in
school 27
, and there was
nobody 28
abroad in
the streets 29
a few rough-looking countrymen in coarse overcoats 30
, with
their 30
long caps pulled down to
their 30
noses .
Some of
them 30
had brought
their 30
wives 31
town 1
, and now and then a red or a plaid shawl flashed out of
one store 32
into the shelter of
another 33
At the hitch-bars along
the street 10
a few heavy work-horses , harnessed to
farm wagons 34
, shivered under their blankets .
the station 11
everything was quiet , for there would not be
another train 35
in until night .
the sidewalk 36
in front of one of
the stores 18
a little Swede boy 37
, crying bitterly .
He 37
was about five years old .
His 37
black cloth coat was much too big for
him 37
and made
him 37
look like
a little old man 87
His 37
shrunken brown flannel dress had been washed many times and left a long stretch of stocking between the hem of
his 37
skirt and the tops of
his 37
clumsy , copper-toed shoes .
His 37
cap was pulled down over
his 37
ears ;
his 37
nose and
his 37
chubby cheeks were chapped and red with cold .
He 37
cried quietly , and
the few people who hurried by 38
did not notice
him 37
He 37
was afraid to stop
any one 39
, afraid to go into
the store 40
and ask for help , so
he 37
sat wringing
his 37
long sleeves and looking up a telegraph pole beside
him 37
, whimpering , “
My 37
kitten , oh ,
my 37
kitten !
Her will fweeze ! ”
At the top of the pole crouched a shivering gray kitten , mewing faintly and clinging desperately to the wood with her claws .
The boy 37
had been left at
the store 40
his 37
sister 41
went to
the doctor 's office 42
, and in
her 41
absence a dog had chased
his 37
kitten up the pole .
The little creature had never been so high before , and she was too frightened to move .
Her master 37
was sunk in despair .
He 37
a little country boy 88
, and
this village 1
was to
him 37
a very strange and perplexing place , where
people 43
wore fine clothes and had hard hearts 97
He 37
always felt shy and awkward
here 1
, and wanted to hide behind things for fear
some one 85
might laugh at
him 37
Just now ,
he 37
was too unhappy to care who laughed .
At last
he 37
seemed to see a ray of hope :
his 37
sister 41
was coming , and
he 37
got up and ran toward
her 41
his 37
heavy shoes .
His 37
sister 41
a tall , strong girl 89
, and
she 41
walked rapidly and resolutely , as if
she 41
knew exactly where
she 41
was going and what
she 41
was going to do next .
She 41
a man 44
's long ulster ( not as if it were an affliction , but as if it were very comfortable and belonged to
her 41
; carried it like
a young soldier 81
) , and a round plush cap , tied down with a thick veil .
She 41
had a serious , thoughtful face , and
her 41
clear , deep blue eyes were fixed intently on the distance , without seeming to see anything , as if
she 41
were in trouble .
She 41
did not notice
the little boy 37
he 37
her 41
by the coat .
she 41
stopped short and stooped down to wipe
his 37
wet face .
“ Why ,
Emil 37
I 41
you 37
to stay in
the store 40
and not to come out .
What is the matter with
you 37
? ”
My 37
kitten ,
sister 41
my 37
kitten !
A man 45
put her out , and a dog chased her up there . ”
His 37
forefinger , projecting from the sleeve of
his 37
coat , pointed up to the wretched little creature on the pole .
“ Oh ,
Emil 37
Did n't
I 41
you 37
she 'd get
us 46
into trouble of some kind , if
you 37
brought her ?
What made
you 37
me 41
so ?
But there ,
I 41
ought to have known better
myself 41
. ”
She 41
went to the foot of the pole and held out
her 41
arms , crying , “ Kitty , kitty , kitty , ” but the kitten only mewed and faintly waved its tail .
Alexandra 41
turned away decidedly .
“ No , she wo n't come down .
Somebody 83
will have to go up after her .
I 41
the Linstrums 48
' wagon 47
town 1
I 41
'll go and see if
I 41
can find
Carl 49
he 49
can do something .
you 37
must stop crying , or
I 41
wo n't go a step .
Where 's
your 37
comforter ?
you 37
leave it in
the store 40
Never mind .
Hold still , till
I 41
put this on
you 37
. ”
She 41
unwound the brown veil from
her 41
head and tied it about
his 37
throat .
A shabby little traveling man , who was just then coming out of
the store 40
his 50
way to
the saloon 22
, stopped and gazed stupidly at the shining mass of hair
she 41
bared when
she 41
took off
her 41
veil ; two thick braids , pinned about
her 41
head in the German way , with a fringe of reddish-yellow curls blowing out from under
her 41
cap .
He 50
his 50
cigar out of
his 50
mouth and held the wet end between the fingers of
his 50
woolen glove .
My 50
God 51
girl 41
, what a head of hair ! ”
he 50
exclaimed , quite innocently and foolishly .
She 41
him 50
with a glance of Amazonian fierceness and drew in
her 41
lower lip -- most unnecessary severity .
It gave
the little clothing drummer 50
such a start that
he 50
actually let
his 50
cigar fall to
the sidewalk 36
and went off weakly in the teeth of the wind to
the saloon 22
His 50
hand was still unsteady when
he 50
his 50
glass from
the bartender 52
His 50
feeble flirtatious instincts had been crushed before , but never so mercilessly .
He 50
felt cheap and ill-used , as if
some one 86
had taken advantage of
him 50
a drummer 53
had been knocking about in
little drab towns 54
and crawling across
the wintry country 55
dirty smoking-cars 56
, was
he 57
to be blamed if , when
he 57
chanced upon
a fine human creature 58
he 57
suddenly wished
himself 57
more of
a man 57
the little drummer 50
was drinking to recover
his 50
nerve ,
Alexandra 41
hurried to
the drug store 20
the most likely place to find
Carl Linstrum 49
There 20
he 49
was , turning over a portfolio of chromo “ studies ” which
the druggist 59
sold to
Hanover 61
women who did china-painting 60
Alexandra 41
her 41
predicament , and
the boy 49
her 41
to the corner , where
Emil 37
still sat by the pole .
I 49
'll have to go up after her ,
Alexandra 41
I 49
think at
the depot 62
they 63
have some spikes
I 49
can strap on
my 49
feet .
Wait a minute . ”
Carl 49
his 49
hands into
his 49
pockets , lowered
his 49
head , and darted up
the street 10
against the north wind .
He 49
a tall boy of fifteen , slight and narrow-chested 92
he 49
came back with the spikes ,
Alexandra 41
him 49
he 49
had done with
his 49
overcoat .
I 49
left it in
the drug store 20
I 49
could n't climb in it , anyhow .
me 49
I 49
fall ,
Emil 37
, ”
he 49
called back as
he 49
his 49
ascent .
Alexandra 41
him 49
anxiously ; the cold was bitter enough on
the ground 64
The kitten would not budge an inch .
Carl 49
had to go to the very top of the pole , and then had some difficulty in tearing her from her hold .
he 49
the ground 64
he 49
handed the cat to
her tearful little master 37
“ Now go into
the store 40
with her ,
Emil 37
, and get warm . ”
He 49
opened the door for
the child 37
“ Wait a minute ,
Alexandra 41
Why ca n't
I 49
drive for
you 46
as far as
our 66
place 65
It 's getting colder every minute .
you 41
the doctor 67
? ”
“ Yes .
He 67
is coming over to-morrow .
he 67
father 68
ca n't get better ; ca n't get well . ”
The girl 41
's lip trembled .
She 41
looked fixedly up
the bleak street 10
as if
she 41
were gathering
her 41
strength to face something , as if
she 41
were trying with all
her 41
might to grasp a situation which , no matter how painful , must be met and dealt with somehow .
The wind flapped the skirts of
her 41
heavy coat about
her 41
Carl 49
did not say anything , but
she 41
his 49
sympathy .
He 49
, too , was lonely .
He 49
a thin , frail boy , with brooding dark eyes 93
, very quiet in all
his 49
movements .
There was a delicate pallor in
his 49
thin face , and
his 49
mouth was too sensitive for
a boy 69
's .
The lips had already a little curl of bitterness and skepticism .
The two friends 70
stood for a few moments on
the windy street corner 71
, not speaking a word , as
two travelers , who have lost
their 72
way , sometimes stand and admit
their 72
perplexity in silence 72
Carl 49
turned away
he 49
said , “
I 49
'll see to
your 46
team . ”
Alexandra 41
went into
the store 40
to have
her 41
purchases packed in the egg-boxes , and to get warm before
she 41
set out on
her 41
long cold drive .
she 41
looked for
Emil 37
she 41
him 37
sitting on a step of
the staircase that led up to the clothing and carpet department 73
He 37
was playing with
a little Bohemian girl 74
Marie Tovesky 94
, who was tying
her 74
handkerchief over the kitten 's head for a bonnet .
Marie 74
a stranger in
the country 75
, having come from
Omaha 76
her 74
mother 77
to visit
her 74
uncle 78
Joe Tovesky 90
She 74
a dark child , with brown curly hair , like a brunette doll 's , a coaxing little red mouth , and round , yellow-brown eyes 95
Every one 79
her 74
eyes ; the brown iris had golden glints that made them look like gold-stone , or , in softer lights , like that
Colorado 80
mineral called tiger-eye .