The Nellie 0
a cruising yawl 119
, swung to
her 0
anchor without a flutter of the sails , and was at rest .
The flood had made , the wind was nearly calm , and being bound down
the river 1
, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide .
The sea-reach of
the Thames 1
stretched before
us 2
like the beginning of
an interminable waterway 3
In the offing
the sea 4
and the sky were welded together without a joint , and in the luminous space the tanned sails of
the barges 5
drifting up with the tide seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked , with gleams of varnished sprits .
A haze rested on the low shores that ran out to
sea 4
in vanishing flatness .
The air was dark above
Gravesend 6
, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom , brooding motionless over
the biggest , and the greatest , town on
earth 8
The Director of Companies 9
our 2
captain 120
our 2
host 121
We 2
four 2
affectionately watched
his 9
back as
he 9
stood in the bows looking to seaward .
the whole river 1
there was nothing that looked half so nautical .
He 9
a pilot 10
, which to
a seaman 11
is trustworthiness personified .
It was difficult to realize
his 9
work was not out
there 12
the luminous estuary 12
, but behind
him 9
, within the brooding gloom .
us 2
there was , as
I 13
have already said somewhere , the bond of
the sea 4
Besides holding
our 2
hearts 2
together through long periods of separation , it had the effect of making
us 2
tolerant of each other 's yarns -- and even convictions .
The Lawyer 14
the best of
old fellows 15
-- had , because of
his 14
many years and many virtues , the only cushion on
deck 16
, and was lying on the only rug .
The Accountant 17
had brought out already a box of dominoes , and was toying architecturally with the bones .
Marlow 18
sat cross-legged right aft , leaning against the mizzen-mast .
He 18
had sunken cheeks , a yellow complexion , a straight back , an ascetic aspect , and , with
his 18
arms dropped , the palms of hands outwards , resembled
an idol 19
The director 9
, satisfied the anchor had good hold , made
his 9
way aft and sat down amongst
us 2
We 2
exchanged a few words lazily .
Afterwards there was silence on board
the yacht 0
For some reason or other
we 2
did not begin that game of dominoes .
We 2
felt meditative , and fit for nothing but placid staring .
The day was ending in a serenity of still and exquisite brilliance .
water 20
shone pacifically ; the sky , without a speck , was a benign immensity of unstained light ; the very mist on
the Essex marsh 21
was like a gauzy and radiant fabric , hung from
the wooded rises inland 22
, and draping
the low shores 23
in diaphanous folds .
Only the gloom to the west , brooding over
the upper reaches 24
, became more sombre every minute , as if angered by the approach of the sun .
And at last , in its curved and imperceptible fall , the sun sank low , and from glowing white changed to a dull red without rays and without heat , as if about to go out suddenly , stricken to death by the touch of that gloom brooding over
a crowd of men 25
Forthwith a change came over
the waters 20
, and the serenity became less brilliant but more profound .
The old river in
its 1
broad reach 1
rested unruffled at the decline of day , after ages of good service done to
the race that peopled
its 1
banks 26
, spread out in the tranquil dignity of
a waterway leading to the uttermost ends of
the earth 8
We 2
looked at
the venerable stream 1
not in the vivid flush of a short day that comes and departs for ever , but in the august light of abiding memories .
And indeed nothing is easier for
a man who has , as the phrase goes , “ followed
the sea 4
” with reverence and affection 27
, than to evoke
the great spirit of the past 28
the lower reaches of
the Thames 1
The tidal current runs to and fro in its unceasing service , crowded with memories of
men 29
ships 30
it had borne to the rest of
home 31
or to the battles of
the sea 4
It had known and served all
the men 32
of whom
the nation 33
is proud , from
Sir Francis Drake 34
Sir John Franklin 35
knights all , titled and untitled 36
the great knights-errant of
the sea 4
It had borne all
the ships 37
whose names are like jewels flashing in the night of time , from
the _ Golden Hind _ 38
returning with
her 38
rotund flanks full of treasure , to be visited by
the Queen 's Highness 39
and thus pass out of the gigantic tale , to
the _ Erebus _ and _ Terror _ 40
, bound on other conquests -- and that never returned .
It had known
the ships 41
the men 42
They 42
had sailed from
Deptford 43
, from
Greenwich 44
, from
Erith 45
the adventurers 46
the settlers 47
kings 48
' ships 49
the ships of
men on ' Change 51
captains 52
admirals 53
the dark “ interlopers ” of the Eastern trade 54
, and
the commissioned “ generals ” of
East India 57
fleets 56
Hunters 58
for gold or
pursuers 59
of fame ,
they 60
all had gone out on
that stream 1
, bearing the sword , and often the torch ,
messengers of the might within
the land 61
bearers of a spark from the sacred fire 60
What greatness had not floated on the ebb of
that river 1
into the mystery of
an unknown earth 62
... The dreams of
men 63
, the seed of
commonwealths 64
, the germs of
empires 65
The sun set ; the dusk fell on
the stream 1
, and lights began to appear along
the shore 66
The Chapman light-house 67
a three-legged thing erect on
a mud-flat 68
, shone strongly .
Lights of
ships 69
moved in
the fairway 70
-- a great stir of lights going up and going down .
And farther west on
the upper reaches 24
the place of
the monstrous town 7
was still marked ominously on the sky ,
a brooding gloom in sunshine 71
, a lurid glare under the stars .
“ And this also , ” said
Marlow 18
suddenly , “ has been one of
the dark places of
the earth 8
. ”
He 18
the only man of
us 2
who still “ followed
the sea 4
. ” 127

The worst that could be said of
him 18
was that
he 18
did not represent
his 18
class 73
He 18
a seaman 125
, but
he 18
a wanderer 126
, too , while most
seamen 74
lead , if one may so express it , a sedentary life .
Their 74
minds are of the stay-at-home order , and
their 74
home 75
is always with
them 74
the ship 76
; and so is
their 74
country --
the sea 4
One ship 77
is very much like another , and
the sea 4
is always the same .
In the immutability of
their 74
the foreign shores 78
the foreign faces 79
, the changing immensity of life , glide past , veiled not by a sense of mystery but by a slightly disdainful ignorance ; for there is nothing mysterious to
a seaman 80
unless it be
the sea 4
itself , which is the mistress of
his 80
existence and as inscrutable as Destiny .
For the rest , after
his 80
hours of work , a casual stroll or a casual spree on
shore 81
suffices to unfold for
him 80
the secret of a whole continent , and generally
he 80
finds the secret not worth knowing .
The yarns of
seamen 74
have a direct simplicity , the whole meaning of which lies within the shell of a cracked nut .
Marlow 18
was not typical ( if
his 18
propensity to spin yarns be excepted ) , and to
him 18
the meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside , enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze , in the likeness of one of these misty halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine .
His 18
remark did not seem at all surprising .
It was just like
Marlow 18
It was accepted in silence .
No one 82
took the trouble to grunt even ; and presently
he 18
said , very slow -- “
I 18
was thinking of very old times , when
the Romans 83
first came here , nineteen hundred years ago -- the other day ... .
Light came out of
this river 1
since --
you 84
Knights 85
Yes ; but it is like a running blaze on
a plain 86
, like a flash of lightning in the clouds .
We 87
live in the flicker -- may it last as long as
the old earth 88
keeps rolling !
But darkness was here yesterday .
Imagine the feelings of a commander of a fine -- what d'ye call 'em ?
-- trireme in
the Mediterranean 89
, ordered suddenly to
the north 90
; run overland across
the Gauls 91
in a hurry ; put in charge of one of
these craft 92
legionaries 93
a wonderful lot of handy men 93
they 93
must have been , too -- used to build , apparently by the hundred , in a month or two , if
we 94
may believe what
we 94
read .
him 95
here 96
the very end of the world 96
a sea the colour of lead 4
, a sky the colour of smoke ,
a kind of ship about as rigid as a concertina 97
-- and going up
this river 1
with stores , or orders , or what
you 2
like .
Sand-banks 98
marshes 99
forests 100
savages 101
, -- precious little to eat fit for
a civilized man 102
, nothing but
Thames 1
water to drink .
No Falernian wine here , no going
ashore 103
Here and there
a military camp 104
lost in
a wilderness 105
, like a needle in a bundle of hay -- cold , fog , tempests , disease , exile , and death -- death skulking in the air , in the water , in the bush .
They 93
must have been dying like flies here .
Oh , yes --
he 95
did it .
Did it very well , too , no doubt , and without thinking much about it either , except afterwards to brag of what
he 95
had gone through in
his 95
time , perhaps .
They 93
were men enough to face the darkness .
And perhaps
he 95
was cheered by keeping
his 95
eye on a chance of promotion to the fleet at
Ravenna 106
by and by , if
he 95
good friends in
Rome 108
and survived the awful climate .
Or think of
a decent young citizen in a toga 109
-- perhaps too much dice ,
you 2
know -- coming out here in the train of
some prefect 110
, or
tax-gatherer 111
, or
trader 112
even , to mend
his 109
fortunes .
Land in
a swamp 113
, march through
the woods 114
, and in
some inland post 115
feel the savagery , the utter savagery , had closed round
him 109
-- all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in
the forest 116
, in
the jungles 117
, in the hearts of
wild men 118
There 's no initiation either into such mysteries .
He 109
has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible , which is also detestable .
And it has a fascination , too , that goes to work upon
him 109
The fascination of the abomination --
you 2
know , imagine the growing regrets , the longing to escape , the powerless disgust , the surrender , the hate . ”