President and Professor, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara
Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, IAPR, AAIA, AIIA
Member, Computing Community Consortium
6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 | (773) 834-2493 | LinkedIn, Bluesky, Twitter
Assistant: Brandie Jones (
I am a professor and the President of the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), an independent, philanthropically endowed graduate academic institution that focuses on computer science theory and artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning and optimization, algorithms and complexity, computer vision and computational photography, speech and language technologies, robotics, and computational biology.
My main research interests are in computer vision and imaging, machine learning, multimodal interaction, augmented and virtual reality, and related areas. I co-founded a startup company in 2016 to commercialize augmented reality for remote telecollaboration, which was acquired by PTC and became part of their Vuforia augmented reality platform. In recent years, I've been keenly interested in legal and ethical matters relating to AI and computing. I'm currently an Associate Editor for the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS).
Prior to TTIC, I was at UC Santa Barbara, where I was Chair of the Computer Science Department and the Media Arts and Technology Graduate Program, and had additional appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Dynamical Neuroscience Graduate Program. I was also on steering committees for the Center for Information Technology and Society, the Cognitive Science Program, the Sage Center for the Study of the Mind, the Center for Spatial Studies and Data Science, and the Center for Digital Games Research.
Learn Computer Science. Change the world.
Visual Sensing and Ubiquitous Computing [Coming]
Applied Machine Learning on Sensing Technologies [Coming]
Computer Vision: Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities
with Md. A. R. Ahad, U. Mahbub, and R. Hartley (eds.)
Chapman and Hall / CRC Press 2024
Advanced Methods and Deep Learning in Computer Vision
with E.R. Davies (eds.)
Elsevier 2021
Vision-Based Interaction
with Gang Hua
Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision 2013
Independent Research - TTIC 55000
Research at TTIC (lectures) - TTIC 31000
A History of Computing [INT 94BI]
Advanced Topics in Computer Vision [CS/ECE 281B]
Advanced Topics in Machine Intelligence [CS 265]
Advanced Topics in Machine Intelligence - Bayesian Networks [CS 265]
Cognitive Science Seminar [INT 200B]
Cognitive Science Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction [CS 595A/INT200B]
Computer Graphics [CS 180]
Computer Imaging [MAT 235/CS 291A]
Computer Vision [CS/ECE 181B]
Computer Vision Seminar [CS 595I]
Foundations of Computer Science [CS 40]
Freshman Seminar on Media Arts and Technology [INT 94JT]
Human Computer Interaction [CS/MATP 290A]
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [CS 165A]
Introduction to C, C++ and Unix [CS 60]
Machine Learning [CS 165B]
Media Arts and Technology Seminar [MAT 595M/CS 595I]
Mobile Imaging [CS 290I/MAT 235]
Multimodal Interaction on Mobile Computing Platforms [CS 290I]
Seminar on Topics and Trends in Computing [CS 595M]
Statistical Models and Methods in Computer Science [CS 290I]
Visualization Seminar [CS 595B]