I've been a PhD student at TTI-Chicago since 2013 under the supervision of Dr. Gregory Shakhnarovich. My research interests lie in Computer Vision and Machine Learning especially semantic image segmentation, object recognition and 3D scene understanding.

Before joining TTI-Chicago, I received my master's degree from department of Electrical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology under the supervision of Dr. Iman Gholampour.

Mohammadreza Mostajabi

Email: mostajabi at ttic dot edu

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Regularizing Deep Networks by Modeling and Predicting Label Structure
Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Michael Maire, and Gregory Shakhnarovich
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018


Diverse Sampling for Self-Supervised Learning of Semantic Segmentation
Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Nicholas Kolkin, Gregory Shakhnarovich
arXiv preprint arXiv: 1612.01991


Feedforward Semantic Segmentation with Zoom-out Features
Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Payman Yadollahpour and Gregory Shakhnarovich
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015


A Robust Multilevel Segment Description for Multi-class Object Recognition
Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Iman Gholampour
Machine Vision and Applications, 2015


A Framework Based on the Affine Invariant Regions for Improving Unsupervised Image Segmentation
Mohammadreza Mostajabi, Iman Gholampour
Information Science, Signal Processing and Their Applications, 2012


- M. Mostajabi, G. Wu, J. Adachi, A. Haro, "Method for Efficient Selection of Data to Be Labeled for Supervised Learning," HERE North America Significant Development. Internal Patent Number 90266, Nov. 30, 2016.
- M. Mostajabi, M. Baseri, "Full Touch Mobile Phone with Oscilloscope and Signal Generator for Electrical Engineers," Patent Number IR 66411, Sep. 6, 2010.


- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI).
- IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- International Conference on Representation Learning (ICLR).

Research Assistant:

- PhD Project on Object Recognition and Semantic Image Segmentation; Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, Sep. 2013-Present.
- Master's Project on Object Recognition; Multimedia Lab, Sharif University of Technology, Jul. 2011-2013.

Research Internship:

- HERE North America, Berkeley, CA, USA, Summer 2016.
My research project was on 3D maps in which we replaced real photos of the buildings with 3D rendered photo realistic models which are easier and faster to generate with computer models. This provides users with faster and smoother 3D models of the buildings.

Teaching Assistant:

- Introduction to Computer Vision, TTIC and University of Chicago, Winter 2016.
- Digital Signal Processors, Sharif University of Technology, Spring 2012.
- Advanced Microprocessor Systems, Technical University of Shiraz, Spring 2009.

- Organizer of TTIC Vision Reading Group, 2014-2016.