Information and Coding Theory - Winter 2021
TTIC 31200/CMSC 37220
T Th 1:00-2:20 (Zoom)
Discussion: F 2-3 pm (Gather)
Office hours: W 1-2 pm (Gather)
Instructor: Madhur Tulsiani
Information and Coding Theory - Winter 2021
TTIC 31200/CMSC 37220
T Th 1:00-2:20 (Zoom)
Discussion: F 2-3 pm (Gather)
Office hours: W 1-2 pm (Gather)
Instructor: Madhur Tulsiani
This course is meant to serve as an introduction to some basic concepts in information theory and error-correcting codes, and some of their applications in computer science and statistics. We plan to cover the following topics:
The course will have 4-5 homeworks (60 percent) and a final (40 percent).
There is no textbook for this course. A useful reference is ``Elements of Information Theory'' by T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas. Also take a look at the resources section below.
Access information for lectures, discussions and office hours, is available via the Canvas page for the course.
Homeworks and Announcements
Lecture Plan and Notes