Boosting using branching programs with Yishai Mansour, COLT, 2000
Computable Shell Decomposition Bounds with John Langford, COLT, 2000
Hardening Soft Information Sources with Henry Kautz and William Cohen, KDD, 2000.
Case-factor diagrams for structured probabilistic modeling with Michael Collins and Fernando Pereira, UAI, 2004.
Affine algebraic decision diagrams (AADDs) and their application to structured probabilistic inference with Scott Sanner, IJCAI, 2005.
Exponentiated gradient algorithms for large-margin structured classification with Peter Bartlett, Michael Collins and Ben Taskar, NIPS, 2005
Maximum margin semi-supervised learning for structured variables with Yasemin Altun and Misha Belkan, NIPS, 2005.
Generalization bounds and consistency for structured labeling paper available from 2006, finally appeared in the collection "Predicting Structured Data" from MIT Press, 2009.
Particle belief propagation with Alex Ihler, AISTATS, 2009.
Direct loss minimization for structured prediction with Yoseph Keshet, NIPS, 2010.
Generalization Bounds and Consistency for Latent Structural Probit and Ramp Loss with Joseph Keshet, NIPS 2011.
Pac-bayesian approach for minimization of phoneme error rate with Joseph Keshet and Tamir Hazan, ICASP, 2011.